
Creating a New Life after Divorce - Reconnecting with Passions, Value and Your Future Self


(Listener Note: This is Episode #10 of this ten-part series by Shelley Stile. To take full advantage of this series, please listen to the episodes in their proper order).

Create your Future NOW -  Divorce offers you the Chance to Create the Life You Want and Deserve!

Although it might be hard to see if now, your divorce has many hidden gifts in the form of life lessons and deep wisdom that will evolve you as a human being and allow you to move forward into a new and vibrant life.

Create the Vision of a New Life and Your Future

To create a new way of being, you must have a clear vision of who you are becoming and the life you choose to live.  Identifying what matters to you now and what your passions are is the starting point.  Visualizing that Future Self and your New Life allows us to work backwards from that vision, so that we can begin taking action steps today towards your goal.

In this episode of Divorce Recovery, Shelley Stile helps you create a vision of your future self. Shelley discusses how to find what truly has meaning for you and what you are passionate about. Once you are clear about your priorities, you are then free to create a vision of your future; a future that you know will give you the gifts of a life well lived.

Creating a new life concentrates on the positive act of creating, not the negative act of problem solving. Problems, or challenges, will always arise in any journey but it is how we handle these challenges that will be the mark of our character. The real work is in the act of creation. Begin creating your new life and future today with the help of Shelley Stile.

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